
You are familiar with the church phrase—“twenty percent of the people do eighty percent of the work.” It’s so true, isn’t it? The goal, of course, if we are to be Ephesians 4:12-type ministers, is to increase the twenty percent by engaging, exhorting and encouraging the larger percentage to get involved.
When it comes to evangelism, tragically, the figures are even worse. While eighty percent of Christians are not sharing their faith, “ninety-five percent of all Christians have never won a soul to Christ.”*
That has to change if we are going to be Matthew 28:19, 20 Christians.
Many very good evangelism programs exist. Most run ancillary as a church program focusing on the twenty percent that are already active in the work of the church. This program, on the other hand, is geared toward everyone! Not for a minute do we believe that 100% of the church attenders will become soul winners (although it wouldn’t take long to conquer our world for Christ if that happened), but the hope and prayer is that many will catch the vision that their divine appointment is their friend and that they can do it—they can share their faith. In fact, it should be as natural as breathing.